So you collected your mail and you find a defect notice form staring at you. Whilst it’s great to know that your hard working power company is out there inspecting the power lines that keep all that fabulous electricity running to your home. Nobody really wants to find that there is something wrong with their power supply. So what does it all mean & what do you do about it?
A Defect Notice is issued by your electricity supplier if they find your electrical service that attaches to your house, does not comply with safety standards. This may be due to any number of issues including old or faulty wiring, trees growing too close to overhead wires or damage to the point of attachment. Depending on how bad the issue is, the power may need to be disconnected until the repairs have been completed.
Normally, your electricity supplier will give you 21 days after issuing the Defect Notice to rectify the problem. If the issue is not fixed within the 21 days your electricity supplier can disconnect the power to your house.
Only an authorised level 2 electrician can complete these repairs. Depending on the type of defect, the work may also need to be checked by an electrical inspector.

If you have recently been issued with a defect notice, why not give the team at John McEwan Electrical a call. We are happy to come and give you an obligation free quote and discuss all your electrical options.
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