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We Provide Switchboard Upgrades in Wollongong

The team at John McEwan Electrical has been providing quality switchboard upgrades for more than 20 years. Our team provides electrical switchboard upgrades for residential and commercial clients in the Illawarra, South Coast, and Southern Highlands regions, including Shellharbour, Kiama, Dapto, Thirroul, Wollongong, Bowral, Mittagong and Moss Vale.

Our customers can count on us for performance and safety. We specialise in providing high-grade replacements and repairs for almost any electrical appliance or installation. Both scheduled and emergency appointments are available–call us on (02) 4261 9633.

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Why You May Need an Electrical Switchboard Upgrade

There are a number of reasons why it may be time to upgrade your existing electrical switchboard. Some of the most common issues are:

  • Outdated circuitry: Like most other things, electrical technology improves over time. An older switchboard won’t have the advanced safety features, or use the hi-tech, long-lasting materials that are features of a modern switchboard.
  • Deteriorated circuit board: Circuit boards decay over time, as they are subject to wear and tear. This can increase the incidence of faults, which in turn can mean more blown fuses, more blackouts, and the potential for electrical appliances to be damaged due to unreliable switchboard performance.
  • Inability to cope with contemporary power demands: The number of electrically powered devices and systems that we have in our homes and business premises has dramatically increased in recent years. Older switchboards were never designed to cope with the sheer volume of usage that a modern home generates. Inevitably, some are just not up to the job, leading to problems with frequent shorting out, intermittent power supply, or short-circuiting.
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What Type of Switchboard Upgrades Can JME Electrical Carry Out?

Upgrading a Phase 1 Supply to a Phase 3 Supply

Upgrading to a Phase 3 supply of electricity enables more electricity to enter your system at any one time. This can provide an additional 70KVa of power. Typically this type of upgrade is needed where recent renovation or remodelling means there are more power points that will need to be serviced simultaneously (such as in a property that has been converted for multi-occupancy use, or one that’s been significantly extended).

Upgrade Electrical Fuses

Many modern appliances now require a higher fuse value than previously. For example, jacuzzis or power showers frequently need a 100 amp fuse, rather than the 40 or 60 amp that’s common in older domestic switchboards. We can fit fuses that meet the needs of your business or household, ensuring a safe, reliable and adequate electrical supply.

Replace Older Meter Boxes and Boards

Whilst we’re legally not allowed to replace a meter (that’s the responsibility of your power company), we are able to update boards and boxes, as well as any other equipment related to the flow and management of electricity in your home. Particularly if you’re having a new installation in your home that will require an electrical upgrade (such as a shower or electric hot water system), it could be the perfect time to also have other outdated installations replaced.

Upgrading Safety Features

Modern circuit breakers and surge preventers reduce the risk of damage to your appliances in the event of an outage or other power supply irregularity.

To get a free quote, call (02) 4261 9633.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does it cost to upgrade a switchboard?

    This is something you will need to contact us directly about, as every upgrade is different. As a general guide, however, a basic replacement of a 250 amp switchboard will cost anywhere from $800 to $1900 depending on its current condition and how many parts need updating. A switchboard that is 160 amps might only be $300. If your cabling also needs replacing, you can expect the cost to be higher still, as the switchboard might end up being relocated.

    This cost covers the time it will take for one of our employees to carry out the work as well as the materials used. Speaking to a member of our team about the extent of the work required to your switchboard will allow us to provide a more accurate quote.

  • Why should you upgrade your switchboard?

    There are many reasons to upgrade a switchboard. If you want to install more power outlets around your home or are using more high-powered electrical appliances than before, then your existing switchboard might not be able to accommodate these needs. In this case, a new one will be necessary.

    Another reason could be damage or wear. There are a few ways to identify if your switchboard might be ageing, including flickering lights in your house and your fuse tripping more frequently. If the cables closest to the board are hotter than usual, there could also be an underlying issue at play. These should be addressed quickly in order to keep yourself and your home safe.

  • How long does a switchboard upgrade take?

    After sourcing the materials and parts needed to complete the upgrade, switchboard replacements don’t take very long. You can expect the job to be completed within two to four hours, but this will depend on the type of installation being carried out and the complexity of the work involved.

  • Can you save money by upgrading a switchboard?

    You absolutely can. Switchboards that are old are incredibly inefficient, using up a lot of energy and causing your bills to skyrocket. A new switchboard will not only use up less energy, but it will also be more reliable, leading to fewer malfunctions and emergency call-outs to an electrician.

    What’s more, older models are more likely to experience a surge in electricity, which can be very dangerous – if left unattended, this may cause electrical shocks or even fires! By keeping your switchboard up to date, you can rest assured that it’s operating to the best of its ability.

  • How can I tell if I need to upgrade my switchboard?

    Old switchboards are often made from materials like wood or chipboard, which are a safety hazard, so if yours is made from either of these, then it’s time to call in an electrician. A switchboard that contains porcelain fuses should also be replaced as these aren’t fire-resistant.

    However, there are some other important signs to be aware of. If you can hear a buzzing noise coming from the board, or your electrical items are shorting frequently, then these are both causes for concern. You also need to be on the lookout for old wiring – wires that are grey or black indicate it’s time for an upgrade, but white wiring is fine.

    If you make any significant upgrades to the appliances in your home, such as installing solar panels or an air conditioning system, your switchboard will also require an upgrade. Usually, appliances of this size require their own circuits, which an old switchboard won’t be able to support.

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