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How much does LED lighting cost?

editor • April 21, 2021

How much does LED lighting cost?

LEDs cost between $5 to $20 for a standard LED bulb while downlights range from $50-$75.

The cost of LED lighting is dependent on your circumstances – for example, whether you are replacing your existing bulbs with LED lights or replacing your LED fittings. According to the Australian Energy Foundation, a standard LED bulb can cost between $5 and $20 and a range of LED downlights can cost between $50 and $75 when you are upgrading both the bulb and the transformer. As expected, the higher the watt of the bulb (W), the higher the cost of the bulb itself.

Based in Wollongong, JME is the most trusted electrical service provider for the area thanks to our expert experience and professional services. If you’re wondering whether LED lights could be a viable option for your home, take a look at our detailed guide below.

How do LED lights work?

LEDs – light-emitting diodes – are a semiconductor light source that emits light when a current has travelled through it. They have been modernised over the years, which has allowed them to be considered high output, which in turn means they are suitable for both indoor and outdoor lighting.

Why should you use LED lights?

Growing more and more popular as the default choice of lights for homes, LED lights have lots of advantages. For example, they are becoming increasingly energy-efficient and produce significantly less heat, with some LEDs being up to 85% cheaper than a regular bulb. They are perhaps most prominently known for their remarkable longevity in comparison to regular light bulbs, with an average lifespan of 35,000 hours. Despite this average lifespan, you can purchase some LED bulbs that last up to 50,000 hours – which equates to over five years – and most come with a 3-to-5-year warranty.

What types of LED lights are there available?

LED lights are available in a variety of colour temperatures, such as Warm White and Cool White. Warm White produces a similar light as regular halogen bulbs and is suited for indoor lighting as a result of their warming and calming light. On the other hand, Cool White is a lot lighter and is perhaps best suited to ensure brightness, for example, above a kitchen counter or when hoping to brighten up an outdoor space.

Who can install LED lighting?

As LED installation requires a lot more care and precision for your home’s electrical system than simply swapping a halogen bulb for an LED bulb – a licensed electrician is required to install LED lighting properly and safely. This is due to your wiring needing to be updated as well as the fact that improperly installed LED lights can be extremely dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Make sure that you utilise a licensed electrician when installing LEDs.

Our expert team of electricians at JME are more than happy to install LED lights for your residential or commercial property. We complete electrical work for both residential and commercial properties across Wollongong, Shoalhaven, the Illawarra Region as well as the Southern Highlands and can provide a free quote, so please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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